GOP contender Jindal brands Trump a 'madman'

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — One of Donald Trump's Republican rivals is calling him a "madman."

More specifically, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says the GOP front-runner is an "egomaniacal madman who has no principles" and who risks costing the party its chance to regain the White House.

Jindal's words in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington were unsparing, even coming from a candidate who's held little back when it comes to Trump.

The governor said: "The silly summer season is over. It's time to get serious about saving our country. It's time to send Donald Trump back to reality TV."

He called Trump a "carnival act" and said rivals shouldn't be "kissing up" to him.

Like some others in the sprawling pack, Jindal has been struggling to gain traction in the race.