Lt. Governor releases statement on Senate Sanctuary Cities Hearing

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick released a statement Friday on the Senate Sanctuary Cities Hearing. The following statement was in response to the public hearing on sanctuary cities by the Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs & Military Installations Subcommittee on Border Security.
“I applaud the thorough review and broad discussion about this important public safety issue," Patrick said. "Under Chairman Brian Birdwell's leadership the committee respectfully listened to a long day of testimony while keeping lawmakers focused on the hearing's primary purpose: 'to study the various sanctuary city policies statewide…and solutions to discourage governmental entities from putting in place policies that conflict with immigration laws.'
“For some, this is an emotional personal issue. For others, it's a matter of the police being expected, and allowed, to enforce laws already on the books. For us all, it is a matter of public safety and the need for comprehensive border security.
"Let there be no misunderstanding, however, while legislation has yet to be drafted and the debate continues, the Senate will pass legislation in 2017 that will include a provision to end the practice of 'sanctuary cities' in Texas, once and for all, and second, there will be enough votes to pass it in the Texas Senate."