Man in custody woman freed in South ATX Standoff
AUSTIN, Texas - With the area at Oltorf and Durwood St. sealed off by police and SWAT Team members in place, the standoff ended with a bang.
The noise from a stun grenade provided a distraction that allowed the capture of the man seen in video recorded by Jacob Faz
"They didn't try to beat him up or anything. They were just trying to get him out because of everyone else around,” said Faz.
Faz and others from the twin apartment complex watched the standoff from a court-yard and from balconies. Faz said seeing the man come out in custody brought a sense of relief.
“Yeah I felt better knowing at least he was in handcuffs. I knew where he was at and everybody else didn't know where he was at, at first," said Faz.
The call for help from came shortly before 8:00 Monday morning. Police were told a woman was being held by her boyfriend who had a gun.
"These situations are always inherently dangerous, they can change within minutes, and seconds, that’s why we have swat out here who is highly trained,” said APD spokesperson Officer Destiny Winston.
"Just arguing and fighting, for him to not do what he was about to do,” said a neighbor who asked not to be identified.
The neighbor also told FOX 7 the situation began when her new neighbor returned home and he found his girlfriend with someone else.
"Nobody is going to have you, the main thing as it always goes between lovers."
Police were able to negotiate the safe release of the woman in the apartment. It would take a little more than another hour for the boyfriend to finally surrender.
A spokesperson with APD says charges are pending. More information about the man, including his identity are expected to be released on Tuesday.