Man scares students with 9/11 rant

A man allegedly intimidated students when he walked into a Texas State University classroom and went off on a 9/11 terrorist attack rant.

According to Texas State University Police the man reached into his backpack which scared the entire class enough that students ran out of the room.

Witnesses told police that the man entered a classroom Friday and said he “wanted to talk to the highest authority over the attack.”

He mentioned Texas University President  Denise Trauth and that she should make a statement over the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Things got scary for the students when the man reached into his backpack causing students to flee the room.

According to police the man left the room before they arrived.

The man is described as a white male with dark curly hair. He was last seen wearing a blue shirt and khaki pants with a black backpack. The McCoy Building along with a campus search was conducted by police.

Any one who has information is asked to call UPD at 512-245-2805.