Manor house fire displaces elderly couple
A fire in Manor leaves two people without a home for the holidays.
Travis County ESD 12 firefighters responded to the call around 2:15pm Friday, but if it wasn't for two quick-thinking neighbors the situation could've been much worse.
“God led us here for a reason and the reason was to make sure that this family was out of that home,” said Brittany Young whose uncle lives just a few doors down from the burning home.
Young was out running errands when she saw smoke rising from her neighbor's house.
“I called 911 to let them know that it was a fire at the house, I don't know if anybody's in there, and they told me to stay away. Don't go in, don't do nothing,” Young said.
Brittany knew an elderly couple lived inside the burning home on New Katy Lane and, even though firefighters told her to keep her distance, she felt compelled to check on her neighbors.
“My uncle and my cousin Steve went in and pulled Mrs. Christine out,” said Young.
Brittany said it wasn't long before the reality of what kind of danger they were facing set in.
“Within five minutes it took blaze,” Young said.
Fire investigators are still trying to determine what started the fire.
Brittany said the couple used a wood heater and it was sparking, which eventually lit other items inside on fire. The flames quickly spread to the roof and around the side of the structure.
“The house is not in livable condition at this time,” said Bill Carlson, investigator with Travis County ESD 12.
The Red Cross has stepped in to help the couple find a place to stay.
“This is always a bad time for anybody, this is always unexpected and it's never a good day,” Carlson said.
But even while dealing with disaster, there was reason to celebrate.
“It's a joyful feeling to know that I helped save two lives and that they're going to be here to celebrate Christmas, even if they don't have a home, they're together,” said Young.