Newborn dies days after kiss transmits disease

Source: GoFundMe
A 18-day old baby died Tuesday, just days after she contracted a deadly virus from someone with herpes who kissed her.
Nicole Sifrit made the heartbreaking announcement on Facebook saying: "Our princess Mariana Reese Sifrit gained her angel wings at 8:41 am this morning in her daddy's arms and her mommy right beside her."
The baby was born on July 1st. On July 7th, Nicole married Shane with Mariana there. Two hours later, the couple had to leave the wedding and rush the infant to the hospital. She had contracted a life-threatening infection through a kiss.
The couple told news station WQAD that Mariana had become infected with meningitis HSV-1, which is caused by the herpes virus, also responsible for cold sores.
Both parents tested negative for the virus so it was believed that a wedding guest had transmitted the virus to the little baby.
Within hours her organs started failing but the girl fought on for days before her vital organs finally gave out.
Doctors warn that infants should have little to no contact with anyone except their caregivers and hands should always be washed before touching them.
A Gofundme page was set up to help the family pay for their expenses.
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