Papa John's on Burnet Road vandalized

The Papa John's on 5343 Burnet Road was recently vandalized with the words "Elephant Killer" alongside the building.

An image of the graffiti surfaced on the online message board Reddit early Monday morning.

One redditor commented that...

"I googled and can't find anything at all about Papa John's being an exotic game hunter, or a hunter is general. However Jimmy John's did come up as an elephant hunter..."

The San Antonio Express News' reported in October of last year that Jimmy John's CEO,  Jimmy John Liautaud was "under fire."

According to the article, "Liautaud has been criticized for hunting big game, Raw Story reported, and donating funds to an allegedly illegal re-election fund for controversial Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona."

FOX 7 reached out to Papa John's for comment.

Senior Director, Public Relations for Papa John's Peter Collins replied with the following statement.

"This is clearly a case of mistaken identity.  We are working with the authorities to identify those responsible for the vandalism."