Police find drugs, explosives, guns inside Hutto home
Hutto police seized guns, drugs, explosives and more while serving a search warrant Thursday morning. Police said they worked with the Williamson County Sheriff's Office on an investigation that led to the home on Pecan Street.
“I was totally freaked out it was crazy,” said David Martinez who has lived in Hutto for 54 years.
Until Thursday morning, Martinez had never woken up to so much commotion on his street. “I can't believe that. That's just crazy for something like this to be happening in Hutto so close to us,” Martinez said.
The Hutto Police Chief Byron Frankland said the Street Crimes Unit worked with the Williamson County Sheriff's Office to uncover illegal activity at the home on Pecan Street.
Officers said they seized 11.4 grams of methamphetamine, 6.5 grams of crack cocaine and 21 guns during a search of the home.
“One of the things that was most frightening is when officers made entry into this residence, they found a lot of weapons. We found a lot of explosive devices, there was some pipe bombs, there was an illegal still that was being operated where they were distilling liquor,” Frankland said.
Police were tipped off to the illegal activity by people who live nearby.
“There were neighbors that live in that neighborhood around that residence that saw a lot of cars pulling up, leaving; they weren't staying for very long. A lot of foot traffic in and around the home, a lot of vehicles that just pull up at all hours of the night,” said Frankland.
Finding out there were Molotov cocktails, pipe bombs, drugs and guns just a few houses away, has many people in Hutto on edge. “I've got grandchildren and little kids that live next door and I don't like that. I don't like drugs in our town, period,” Martinez said.
Two people from the home were arrested for manufacture and delivery of a controlled substance.
Pecan Street neighbors are breathing a sigh of relief that police stepped in before somebody got hurt. “I'm glad they got involved and I'm glad they're protecting our town and the people of Hutto,” said Martinez.
Frankland said more charges will likely be filed as the investigation is completed.
One of the weapons officers recovered had been reported stolen in 1999. Police said there was also fake vehicle identification information recovered in a trailer on the property.