Police: Witness follows, shoots man who stole beer
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Police in Tucson, Arizona, say a man who had stolen two cases of beer from a convenience store was followed out by witnesses and shot to death after he charged at one of them with a log.
Spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Bay said police are investigating and that the Pima County Attorney's Office will determine whether the shooter, a man who has not been identified, faces charges.
The incident unfolded on Sunday afternoon, when police say 46-year-old Gerald Ramon was seen stealing beer from a convenience store.
Several witnesses followed him out to a nearby parking lot. Police said that's when Ramon picked up a large log, held it over his shoulder and moved toward the man who shot him.
The man hasn't been charged and may have been acting in self-defense, police said. He remained at the scene and cooperated with police.
Detectives are still interviewing witnesses and gathering evidence, Bay said. "Every case is different, that's why it's really hard to say," she said.