Portion of Bee Caves Rd shut down due to downed power lines

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(Austin Fire Department)

A portion of Bee Caves Road has been shut down for hours after a truck rammed into multiple power lines and officials say it's now been reopened.

The portion of Bee Caves Road that was closed is from Canon Wren Drive to Barton Creek Boulevard.

Officials had expected the area to reopen at noon but the Travis County Sheriff's Office tweeted out just before that time that crews expected the area to stay closed until at least 2 p.m. and the road reopened just after that time.

Around 7:15 p.m. on September 17 the Austin Fire Department said that a truck pulled down multiple power and utility lines across Bee Caves Road or FM 2244. This is about half a mile from the County Line Barbecue Restaurant.

The area was shut down after the crash. It also caused a lot of people in the area to lose power. Austin Energy was called out to restore electricity.

Officials say the extensive repairs is the reason for the long closure of the area.