Recycling company allegedly polluted creek connected to Colorado River

The Travis County District Attorney's Office says it is indicting a recycling company for polluting a Colorado County creek. Inland Recycling L.L.C and its president, David Polston, were both named in the indictment. 

Polston and the company are accused of violating the Texas Water Code, specifically intentionally discharging unauthorized chemicals into Skull Creek in April 2019, which feeds back into the Colorado River and is located on Highway 71. 

The alleged crime occurred in Colorado County but the venue for prosecution of an alleged violation under the Water Code can be prosecuted in Travis County. 

The offense against Polston is punishable by a fine up to $100,000 and/or confinement not to exceed 5 years. In addition, the offense is punishable against Inland Recycling L.L.C. by a fine of up to $250,000. 

Apart from the criminal indictment, Polston and Inland Recycling L.L.C. have also been sued by the State of Texas and the Lower Colorado River Authority in connection with the alleged dumping into Skull Creek. 

The State of Texas, represented by the Attorney General, is acting on behalf of the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and Texas Railroad Commission.

Polston is scheduled to appear on February 9, 2022, in the 390th District Court. The prosecution will be handled by the Travis County District Attorney’s Public Integrity Complex Crimes Unit in conjunction with Colorado County Attorney Jay Johannes.

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