Several foster children get permanent homes
AUSTIN, Texas-- November is National Adoption Awareness Month, and right now there are thousands of Texas children waiting for a forever home. Today, several children in the Austin area were formally adopted.
The words coming from Joy Wright's mouth remind the world of just how thankful children are when they are welcomed into a loving family.
“I was scared when I was in foster care, in C.P.S.,” said Joy Wright, who is an adopted child. “They treat me really well."
She is the newest addition to the Wright family. The family came to the Gardner Betts Juvenile Center, suited like a baseball team, ready to sign the papers, and hit a home run, with adopting Joy.
The family started the adoption process back in April after seeing Joy on the Texas Adoption Resource Exchange Website. Now, on Austin Adoption Day, Joy is officially a Wright.
“I saw her and I said, she has to be ours,” Julie Wright, Joy’s mother, said.
Her new mother says Joy comes from a rough background. The thirteen-year-old Joy falls in a category of foster children who are often overlooked teenagers.
“We have children all the way up until their 18th birthday and sometimes they even stay in until their 21st birthday,” Holly Benningfield, the Program Director, said.
One after another, families signed court documents, giving many children the chance for normalcy and stability they've always wanted.
The Wrights have a total of nine children now, six biological and three adopted.
“I've just always wanted to be a mom, they're precious. Every single child is a blessing,” Julie said.
By looking at the expression of Joy on her face, she is also excited to go to her permanent home. For the children who are still waiting for their permanent families, she has a message for them.
“Don't be scared because people love you,” she said.
There are 888 children in Central Texas looking for a home. There are nearly 200 in Travis County. If you are wishing to become a parent visit