Sobriety Center now open in Austin

At 8 o' clock Thursday night the Sobering Center opened up its doors.

Employees say they're prepared and excited this center is now ready in the capital city.

Dr. Rhonda Patrick, executive director of the Sobering Center, says folks that need to go to jail, should go there, and the same goes for people who need to go to the hospital after an incident.The Sobering Center in Austin is here for everyone else.

"Law enforcement that's patrolling in the community, EMS if they observe someone who's publicly intoxicated then they will intervene and bring them here. And that's the only way you get here. You don't walk up, nobody can drive you up, you come here via law enforcement or EMS."

Patrick says the sobering center is a class of its own, because the employees that work there are highly trained and ready to deal with any situation.

Some have history working with drug treatment and addiction services.

Patrick has been a social worker for 30 years. Patrick says, "When they get here we do a basic triage to make sure they don't have a head injury or medical complication, they don't have a wound that requires repair and that they're intoxicated."

The patient then goes back to the sobering area where they basically lay down or sit until they feel better. A counselor will talk them through it.

The center has Gatorades, snacks and a full staff, ready for Thursday night.

Patrick says being that it's the weekend before students start back school at nearby colleges, they’re prepared for busy days ahead. For the next six weeks the center is open Thursday through Sunday.

Starting Oct. 1 the center will be open 24/7.