STAR Flight takes two to burn center following Buda fire
According to those who live on La Palma Ranch Road, the neighborhood is made up of family.
And when a mobile home caught fire early Monday morning, they came together to help their own.
"Dispatch originally advised that it was a fully involved residence with occupants trapped inside," said Buda Fire Chief Clay Huckaby.
The Fire Department says a family of five lived there -- two adults and three kids. Apparently the two adults went back inside looking for their three kids who had already made it to safety.
"We were notified that the occupants were pulled from the mobile home from other family members that live nearby. Buda Fire and EMS arrived on scene and started fire attack and patient care," Huckaby said.
Huckaby says the couple received burns to 40% of their bodies. They were both flown to the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio to be treated.
Huckaby says the fire itself wasn't difficult to extinguish and firefighters were able to keep it contained to the one mobile home.
The Hays County Fire Marshal's office is investigating what started the fire.
Huckaby says homeowners should come up with a plan in case of a fire.
"People try to go back in...word of advice is to have a fire safety plan, a meeting place for everyone in your family so everyone can get out and meet at a certain location," Huckaby said.
That fire started around 7 A.M. Monday morning.
Just a few miles away, a house on Bluebonnet Trail caught fire around 4 A.M. Monday morning.
The Manchaca Fire Department says when crews arrived, someone was still in the house trying to put the fire out.
They rescued the man -- who was also taken to the burn center in San Antonio with third degree burns.
Two others were taken to a local hospital as a precaution.
Albert Rodriguez says his brother-in-law Julian is the one being treated in San Antonio.
He came by the house to see the damage.
"Well I am worried right now, you know. We weren't expecting anything like this to happen at all, especially during the holiday. I don't know if the storm last night had anything to do with it, I have no idea," Rodriguez said.
Investigators are still trying to figure out what started that fire as well.
Two people are in critical condition this morning after going back into a burning house to rescue their children. It turns out the kids had already made it to safety and that they are uninjured.
The fire started at 6:58 a.m. at 14351 La Palma Ranch Rd.
The children on their way to San Antonio to be with their parents who are being treated for burns to 40-percent of their bodies.
Buda Fire Chief Clay Huckaby says they got the call a little before seven this morning that a house was burning with people trapped inside.
STAR flight and PHI helicopters took the man and woman to the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio.
"people try to go back in...word of advice is to have a fire safety plan, a meeting place for everyone in your family so everyone can get out and meet at a certain location." - Clay Huckaby - Chief, Buda Fire Department
Huckaby says the house is a total loss. The fire department isn't sure how this started. The Hays County Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating.