Study reveals Americans' top 10 fears of 2017

(WJBK) - What are most Americans afraid of?
The Chapman University Survey of American Fears asked a random sample of 1,207 adults to rate their level of fear regarding about 80 different topics ranging from crime to personal anxieties.
The top fear? Corrupt government officials. Nearly 75 percent reported being "Afraid" or "Very Afraid." The full ranking of top 10 fears are as follows:
1. Corrupt government officials - 74.5 percent
2. American Healthcare Act/Trumpcare - 55.3 percent
3. Pollution of oceans, rivers and lakes - 53.1 percent
4. Pollution of drinking water - 50.4 percent
5. Not having enough money for the future - 50.2 percent
6. High medical bills - 48.4 percent
7. The U.S. will be involved in another world war - 48.4 percent
8. Global warming and climate change - 48 percent
9. North Korea using weapons - 47.5 percent
10. Air pollution - 44.9 percent
The survey notes recent political events or news events that may have affected participant responses, including the introduction of Trumpcare, and the rise in environmental concerns, which they say may be linked to the president's decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.
Study researchers also say the rise in fear regarding drinking water may be related news coverage of the lead poisoning in Flint's drinking water.
1. Corrupt government officials - 60.6 percent
2. Terrorist Attack - 41 percent
3. Not having enough money for the future - 39.9 percent
4. Terrorism - 38.5 percent
5. Government restrictions on firearms and ammunition - 38.5 percent
6. People I love dying - 38.1 percent
7. Economic/financial collapse - 37.5 percent
8. Identity theft - 37.1 percent
9. People I love becoming seriously ill - 35.9 percent
10. The Affordable Health Care Act/Obamacare - 35.5 percent
You can view the complete list of fears by clicking here.