Teen sexually assaulted on CapMetro

53-year-old Tomas Garcia has been arrested for indecency with a child by contact, a second degree felony.
On Tuesday afternoon a 14-year-old male was on a Capital Metro train heading to the Lakeline station when Garcia asked to borrow his cell phone. According to the affidavit, Garcia asked the victim what station he was going to and if he could follow him. The victim told police he said no.
Garcia then reportedly started complimenting the boy and asking for his age. Once the victim said 14, Garcia began moaning. The victim told police that Garcia touched him inappropriately and touched himself. The victim said he told Garcia to stop and thought about running, but was nervous he would prevent him from running away.
Officers were able to track down Garcia via the phone number he called on the victim's phone. When they made contact with Garcia, officers say he seemed extremely nervous.
Initially, Garcia denied sitting next to anyone on the train, however, he later admitted to borrowing a kid's phone.
Garcia's bail has been set at $40,000.