The Latest on the U.S. presidential campaign

AYRSHIRE, Scotland (AP) — The Latest on the U.S. presidential campaign (all times EDT):

11:15 a.m.

Allies of Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on Friday will begin reviewing a 15,000-word draft of the party's platform that will be presented at next month's Democratic convention.

Members of a Democratic National Convention drafting committee were reviewing the document during a meeting in St. Louis. The draft platform includes a dozen themes, including sections dealing with the economy, climate change, education, health care, national security and other issues.

The 15-member drafting committee will discuss changes to the document ahead of a meeting of the convention's Platform Committee in Orlando, Florida, next month.

Clinton has secured enough delegates to receive the Democratic nomination but Sanders has said he hopes to influence the platform to reflect the views of his supporters.


10:15 a.m.

Hillary Clinton says economic uncertainty sparked by the Britain's choice to leave the European Union "underscores the need for calm, steady, experienced leadership in the White House."

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee says the United States' "first task" is to ensure economic uncertainty created by the move doesn't hurt American families. She released a statement on the "Brexit" vote Friday morning.

Like President Barack Obama and most British leaders, Clinton supported the "Remain" effort. Republican Donald Trump has praised the development as "fantastic."

Clinton says she respects the choice of British voters. The vote, she says, "underscores the need for us to pull together to solve our challenges as a country, not tear each other down."


7:25 a.m.

Donald Trump says the British people have "taken back their independence" with a vote to leave the European Union.

Trump is talking to reporters in Scotland, where he is visiting two of his golf courses.

He is drawing parallels between the so-called Brexit vote and the U.S. presidential campaign, saying people want to take their borders back.

The British vote was marked by debate on some of the populist themes driving the Trump campaign, such as concerns about immigration and border security.

Trump also says David Cameron, who plans to resign as British prime minister because of the vote, "is a good man," but was wrong on the Brexit issue.


6:45 a.m.

Donald Trump says in a Facebook post that the decision of the British people to get out of the European Union was a vote "to reassert control over their own politics, border and economy."

The item was posted as Trump was getting set to visit his Turnberry golf resort after arriving Friday in Scotland.

He says in the post that in November "the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence."

He adds that "a Trump administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense."

Trump said "the whole world is more peaceful and stable when our two countries — and our two peoples — are united together, as they will be under a Trump administration."


6:15 a.m.

Donald Trump's brief visit to Scotland comes the day after the British voted to leave the European Union, and while he cheered the outcome, his agenda this trip isn't politics.

Instead, Trump is visiting a pair of his golf courses. The main event is Friday at Turnberry, a famed century-old club that has hosted four British Opens.

The Trump Organization, led by the celebrity businessman's son Eric, bought the property two years ago and spent around $300 million updating the resort.

The site, offering gorgeous views of rolling green hills and the North Atlantic Ocean, was used as an Air Force base in both world wars.

On Saturday, the presumptive Republican nominee, is slated to visit a second course he owns, in Aberdeen, where he has clashed with locals over its development.


5:50 a.m.

Donald Trump is visiting his golf resort in Scotland, landing via helicopter just hours after the United Kingdom voted to leave to European Union.

Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, has traveled to Scotland to mark the opening of the Turnberry golf resort, which he purchased two years ago and spent more than $300 million rehabilitating.

He was greeted Friday by a pair of bagpipers and dozens of resort staff members wearing "Make Turnberry Great Again" hats.

This is Trump's first international trip since sealing sufficient delegate support to be the GOP standard-bearer this fall. The timing of the trip has raised eyebrows among some fellow Republicans as it comes amid a rocky stretch for his campaign.

Trump isn't slated to meet with any political leaders while in Scotland.