Translations now available on City of Kyle website

The translation menu is available in the bottom left corner of the city website. This is in addition to a button featured at the top of every page for Spanish translation.

The City of Kyle has launched a new language translation took on the city's website.

Translations are offered in a variety of languages including: Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese.  

"We are excited to offer this new translation service," City Manager Scott Sellers said. "It allows us to be more inclusive for non-English speaking community members, and it ensures that all of our residents have equitable access to information shared on our website." 

The translation menu is available in the bottom left corner of the city website. This is in addition to a button featured at the top of every page for Spanish translation.

Community members can report incorrect translation by hovering over the text containing the error and clicking "contribute a better translation" in the text box that appears.

KyleTechnologyEquity and Inclusion