Tripp Halstead making 'great progress' this summer

Tripp Halstead is making great progress as he continues to recover following a devastating accident that left him critically injured.
On October 29, 2012, Tripp suffered severe brain injuries when a tree limb fell on him outside his Winder, Georgia daycare center. He spent months at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta after the accident. Today, the 6-year-old is still on the road to recovery but continues to improve with a family who loves him dearly.
Over the weekend, Stacy Halstead, Tripp's mother, said her son did "so great in his stander." According to the "Tripp Halstead Updates" Facebook page, Tripp started using a new "sit to stand" stander this summer at mobility clinic. The device offers therapy support in seated and standing positions.
"It will be awesome for his hips, feet and digestive system," Stacy said last month when she was first exposed to the sit-to-stand stander. "He was so comfortable in it, he actually fell asleep."
Tripp previously worked on a different stander at home, but he's since outgrown it.
Sunday, Stacy also said Tripp sat in his wheelchair straight up and never needed his HeadPod.
"He is making great progress on his head control," Stacy said.
The Halsteads recently went on a trip to the lake, which Stacy described as the "best vacation for Tripp ever." Not only did he sleep perfectly, according to Stacy, but Tripp also smiled every day and was relaxed as well as content.
"When your child is happy, you feel you can handle anything," she said.