Two kids killed in separate auto-pedestrian crashes over weekend
AUSTIN, Texas - A teddy bear and flowers have been placed near the spot where a three-year-old was hit and killed Sunday afternoon. It happened in a parking lot in Old Settlers Park near the youth soccer fields.
On Monday, Round Rock police said no charges would be filed against the driver. Parents who were at the park, like Billy Quinn, understood the decision, but still had questions.
“I was wondering kind of first of all how a three-year-old gets away from a parent because I have an almost two-year-old here so I’m kind of puzzled about that,” said Quinn.
Ronnie Thums, who was with her two kids at the park, wondered about the driver.
“If the driver was being vigilant and that child just ran out, it truly was an accident, I don’t think that it was done on purpose obviously, hopefully, they were going the speed limit and there were not any other factors that played into the accident,” said Thums.
Investigators have provided few details but it is known that an off-duty firefighter and an Austin police officer were quickly on the scene and tried to save the child.
The incident in Round Rock was the second fatal auto-pedestrian crash involving a child over the weekend.
Balloons tied to a guard rail on E. Yager Lane were near the spot where an eight-year-old was hit and killed Saturday evening.
“The child was alone at the time,” said APD Sgt Jonathan Ziebell during a briefing Saturday night.
The driver stayed on the scene and cooperated with investigators.
“It is not very well lit. We are not sure of the circumstances of the child being out here at this time like I said we are still investigating that. But is an area that pedestrian should not be in any case at any time of day,” said Sgt Ziebell.
The roadway crosses a small creek. The sidewalks on both ends do not continue over it. The area is ranked as a medium to high priority for sidewalk construction according to a city spokesperson.
There is no target date as to when new sidewalks will be put in. There is money to build new sidewalks just east of the accident scene on E. Yager Lane. It's not known when that project will begin.