UPDATE: Sunset Valley Police searching for suspect in attempted kidnapping

UPDATE - 3:05 P.M.
According to Sunset Valley Police, they have identified the person in the photograph and that person has been cooperative with the investigation and is not considered a suspect.
Police said the case is still being investigated and more information will be released as it becomes available.
SUNSET VALLEY, Texas— An attempted kidnapping of a four-year-old child occurred during the American Indian Pow Wow at the Tony Burger Center, according to Sunset Valley Police.
Sunset Valley officers immediately gathered information and began covering the area for the suspect, officials said.
According to the department, a picture of the suspect was taken at the time of the incident by a witness and is being used for reference. Officers exhausted their search and concluded—nearly two hours after the incident—that the suspect was no longer in the area.
Police describe the suspect as an older Hispanic or Native American male, with shoulder-length, grey hair
- -his hair was pulled back into a pony tail
- -was last seen wearing a tan rancher style jacket, blue jeans, and black boots
Sunset Valley Police are asking for anyone with information regarding the identification of the suspect to contact them at 512-974-0845 or 512-892-1384.