UT's first wet football season brings in big money

Longhorn fans at Darrell K Royal Memorial Stadium are loving the addition of alcohol sales at football games.
The school released a report that shows the school sold nearly $2 million worth of alcohol during the first season it was introduced.

Lars Himriscs is an English professor at the University of Texas. He also likes to have a beer at a football game.

"The violence is contained on the field, and the viewers tend to be pretty peaceful, so as long as we can keep it that way, I'd say give them beer," he said.

Last fall was the first time the campus introduced alcohol to all six home games. The sales totaled a whopping $1.8 million ,and U.T. got to "take home" a little over $800,000 of that in profit.

"I'm always in favor of U.T. making a little money because I work for them," Himriscs said.

Ann-Marie Einhaus is visiting from the United Kingdom.

"It's not allowed in the stadium so you have to get your beer or wine out of the way before you go in. I think it's so it doesn't get too rowdy and accidents don't happen which they have in the past," Einshaus said.

U.T. says based on observations from police and security, they saw no measurable increase in incidents from fans. This leads them to believe alcohol had no adverse effect on behavior at the games.

"I wouldn't draw the line unless there's physical violence and gang fights," Himriscs said.
"If it's working and people behave themselves, I can't see why not,” Einhaus said.

The most popular beer sold was Miller Lite, followed by Coors Light and third, Bud Light.

It looks like beer, wine and other small selections of alcohol may be here to stay, at least for a little while.
In the meantime, customers are throwing out more suggestions.

“Think about selling more craft beers. Trust your customers, trust your game-goers, they like good beer too," Himriscs said.

Sales all together at the stadium totaled just over $3 million.