Voters approve AISD bond, Travis County props & state amendments
People headed to the polls to vote with the one of the biggest items on the ballot locally being the Austin Independent School District's more than $1 billion bond which was overwhelmingly approved.
72% of voters approved the AISD bond. The district says the money will go to much needed school improvements and building new schools. Heading into the election there were concerns from groups who said it would raise taxes.
Travis County voters were also asked to approve two bond items for road improvements and park projects. The bonds totaled $185 million and both were given the green light.
Prop A calls more for more than $93 million for road improvements and was approved with 73% of the vote.
Prop B passed with 73% of the vote as well and it calls for more than $91 million for county park improvements.
Besides AISD, several other school districts in the area asked voters to approve bonds.
Leander ISD asked voters to approve $454 million for district wide improvements and new schools and Travis County voters voted 67% for it.
74% of voters approved $253 million for improvements and new school acquisitions for Lake Travis ISD.
It was also good news for those supporting a Lago Vista ISD bond asking for $3 million in improvements. 64% of voters approved it.
However in Bastrop ISD, 64% voted no and the $90 million bond for school improvements and acquisitions was not approved.
Meantime voters ratified all seven amendments proposed to the state Constitution. No statewide offices were up for grabs on Tuesday's ballot, and congressional and legislative elections are still a year away.
The seven amendments range from issues related to property tax exemptions for disabled veterans to reducing restrictions on Texans borrowing against equity in their homes.
Proposition 7 lets banks and credit unions offer raffles and other prizes to people opening savings accounts.
Records show the Texas Legislature has proposed 673 constitutional amendments, with 491 approved by voters, 179 defeated and three failing to make the ballot for "reasons that are historically obscure." That's according to a report by the Texas Legislative Council.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.