We Are Blood seeks donors amid "critical shortage" in Central Texas

%INLINE%We Are Blood is reporting a critical shortage of platelets and O-negative blood. The sole provider of blood to Central Texas hospitals cites a series of traumas over the weekend and fewer donations than usual due to cold and flu season as reasons for the shortage.

O-negative blood is the universal blood type and can be transfused into any patient, according to We Are Blood. Platelets are a component of blood that aid in clotting and are often used to help trauma and cancer patients. They have a shelf life of five days, which makes maintaining a steady supply difficult.

Eligible donors must be healthy and at least 17 years old and 115 pounds.

We Are Blood has locations in North Austin at 4300 N. Lamar Blvd. and South Austin at 3100 W. Slaughter Lane.


From FOX 7's reporting partner Community Impact.