WilCo Sheriff's Office hosting church security summmit
The Williamson County Sheriff's Office is hosting its first church security summit. The idea came after the tragic shooting in Sutherland Springs and officials say the response to the summit has been overwhelmingly positive.
WilCo Sheriff Robert Chody says he's surprised about the number of people going to the summit on November 19th. As of today (11/17) more than 550 people have registered with more than 120 churches coming from across the state.
Sheriff Chody says he knows a lot of resources are available to protect yourself during a situation like the one that happened in Sutherland Springs but he says many times fear can prevent people from being proactive.
Sheriff Chody says the growing response tells him that the community is concerned and they want to know how to fix these issues and prevent future tragedies.
The summit will answer those questions and officials are expected to take a step-by-step approach on how to make their congregations safer and better prepared.
The summit is November 19th from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the Celebration Church in Georgetown.
Registration closes tomorrow (11/18). Sheriff Chody says the response has been so great that a second summit is already in the works.