Winter weather hits Central Texas
Freezing temperatures are going to hit most of Central Texas throughout the weekend. One of the most obvious ways to keep warm is stay inside but there are some tips for those who have to go outside.
The National Weather Service reminds people of the following:
- Remember the four Ps: People, Pets, Plants and Pipes
- Make sure your heater is working properly
- Be cautious about carbon monoxide poisoning. Get a detector to make sure you're not getting poisoned.
- If you use a space heater, make sure you leave plenty of room between it and anything flammable.
- If you go outside, bundle up and wear layers.
- Wrap pipes and run water overnight to make sure they don't freeze and bust.
The freezing temperatures can be especially dangerous for those who have nowhere to go. That's where the Front Steps Cold Weather Shelter Program comes in. It coordinates with local groups and churches to provide temporary shelter on freezing cold nights.