3M Half Marathon hits the streets this weekend

This weekend Austin will host the 2016 3M Half Marathon. An estimated 7,000 participants will hit the ground running while thousands more will be cheering them on along the race route.
According to their website...
The 2015 3M Half Marathon and the Austin Marathon and Half Marathon presented by Freescale contributed an estimated $24 million in total business activity to the Austin economy in the first two months of this year, according to an analysis conducted using the methodology developed last year by the St. Edwards University (Austin), School of Management and Business in its evaluation of the economic impact of the Austin Marathon.
For complete list of road closures click here.
For traffic and parking information click here.
Race weekend schedule
2:00PM – 6:00PM Packet Pickup & Expo
10:00AM – 5:00PM Packet Pickup & Expo
5:30AM - Runner gear check opens
6:55AM - Wheelchair start
7:00AM - 3M Half Marathon start time
8:15AM - Buses begin returning participants from the finish line to the start line area
8:30AM - Awards Ceremony
11:00AM - 3M Half Marathon course closes
11:15AM - Last bus departs the finish area and returns to the start area