Amber Alert out of Laredo discontinued, teen arrested

An Amber Alert has been discontinued for Ashley Fernandez out of Laredo, Texas. She was listed as found.

When the alert was issued, it indicated that Fernandez may have been with Arturo Medrano-Limas and traveling in a gray 2005 Ford Focus with Texas license plate number 38L 0034. Medrano-Limas has since been arrested.

The Laredo Police Department issued the following statement on its Facebook page on Saturday:

Breaking news!

Arturo Medrano Limas, age 19 has been arrested without incident. Detectives from Crimes Against Persons division of the Laredo PD along with Detectives from the Special Investigations Unit were ablen to find Limas location in the Los Altos subdivision near 359. He was arrested peacefully and without incident. We'd like to thank the community of Laredo, the best citizens anywhere, for helping Laredo PD with spreading this information. This was a successful operation and we thank all the supporting agencies who helped in looking out for this victim.