Austin-based companies Tesla, Bumble offering out-of-state abortion expenses to employees

The leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade decision has spurred protests across the country and has left the future of abortion rights up in the air.

If the 1973 court decision is overturned, abortion would be banned in several U.S. states, including Texas

Nearly a dozen large, well-known companies have announced financial resources for employees needing or wanting an abortion. These companies are offering travel expenses if employees need to seek abortion services outside their home state.

Among those offering these benefits are two Austin-based companies- Bumble and Tesla. 

Bumble released a statement shortly after the SCOTUS draft opinion was leaked.

The full statement reads: 

"We are dismayed by the rumors of the Supreme Court decision that was leaked earlier last week. At Bumble, we believe strongly in women's right to choose and exercise complete control over their bodies. The safety, privacy and freedom of family planning is critical to equality for all.

We believe in equitable access and the protection of women in every stage of their reproductive journey. And we will continue to fight for the rights and protections of women all over the world. The health and safety of our team is our utmost priority and that includes covering access to abortion care. We will continue to partner with organizations that work to provide reproductive access to all."

Other dating apps, such as Tinder, OkCupid and Hinge, have also allocated funds to assist abortion travel expenses for employees. 

Elon Musk's Tesla provides similar employee benefits. In Tesla's 2021 Impact Report, the company lists the following statement as a compensation provided to employees since last year:

"An expanded Safety Net program and health insurance offering that includes travel and lodging support for those who may need to seek healthcare services that are unavailable in their home state." 

Other major companies providing out-of-state healthcare expenses to employees include Amazon, Citigroup, Apple, Yelp and more.

FOX Business contributed to this report