Be on high alert: Man exposed himself to woman in park

The Williamson County Sheriff's Office warned residents to be on high alert after they said a man exposed himself to a woman walking her dog in a local park Wednesday night. 

“It's disgusting, at a park it's disgusting, especially a park full of children.” Jessica Edwards and Brandy Jensen run at the Williamson County Regional Park in Leander at least five days a week. When they heard of a man exposing himself to woman walking her dog along the trail they said it's shocking, “Everyone is always happy, there's kid’s soccer. I never thought anything weird about the trails.”

The Williamson County Sheriff's Office said they got Wednesday night around 6:45 from the woman at the park. The woman told deputies that she was walking along the trail here when the man started following her he disappeared into the bushes, he came back out and that's when he had his pants around his ankles.

“He was self-pleasuring himself, when that occurred, she immediately ran in the opposite direction to her car with her dog and called 911,” Sheriff Robert Chody with the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office said.

Sheriff Chody said this isn't the norm for them so he wanted to let residents know right away.

“Have self-awareness at the highest level because we don't know what the intentions are after this if this was a one-time incident or this is something further. This is not to alarm the public this is to educate the public.”

The suspect was described as:

  • a white man
  • heavy set, 250-300 pounds
  • wearing a black baseball cap, black t-shirt, and blue jeans.

Sheriff Chody said they are stepping up patrols in the area and while they are doing their part they want park goers to do the same. “Listen to your fears too, if you feel a sense of something is wrong listen to it, call 911, we don’t mind coming out,” he said.

Something Edward and Jensen said is all too important, especially as women, “I mean anything can happen, it's covered over there nobody can even see, it's pretty important how to defend yourself as a woman.”

Sheriff Chody said the Williamson County Sheriff's Office does teach a self-defense academy class.
He recommends not going to the trail alone right now but if you do be aware of your surroundings and let people know you're going.