City of Austin crews work to mitigate mobility impact

The City of Austin Mobility Departments have continued their activation in response to the ongoing winter weather emergency. The city says crews from Austin Transportation, Austin Public Works and Fleet Mobility Service have been working since Friday to mitigate the impacts on mobility.

"While we urge central Texas residents to remain off the roads unless absolutely necessary, we are working diligently to improve conditions on our transportation network for our first responders and residents," said Gina Fiandaca, Assistant City Manager over the City's Mobility Outcome.

The city says key activities underway include:

  • Since Friday, Feb. 12, Austin Public Works crews have been treating critical infrastructure with dolomite material to increase tire traction in icy areas. 
  • Since Sunday, Feb. 14, Austin Public Works crews have been using front end loaders and similar equipment to clear snow and ice near hospitals, Fire and EMS stations. Crews are also supporting the Austin Bergstrom International Airport as they seek to improve conditions and restore full operations to travelers.
  • Since Sunday, Feb. 14, Austin Public Works has been partnering with Capital Metro to provide sanding escorts to their vehicles as they support the City’s emergency response.
  • Since Friday, Feb. 12, Fleet Mobility Services has provided City-wide support to the crews and first responders during their ongoing emergency operations. This support includes equipment repair, delivering fuel, installing snow chains on City vehicles, etc.
  • Austin Transportation is supporting Public Works with conditions assessments and identifying the next phase of roadways and sidewalks to clear as the weather conditions continue.
  • Fleet Mobility Services is providing support to critical senior living facilities by refueling generators to maintain emergency heat.  
  • Public Works continues to provide support to partner departments in clearing power lines of fallen trees and tree limbs in order. 


The city says these efforts are being coordinated through the Emergency Operations Center, in support of the collective response as a community. The ongoing weather emergency is not over. The Austin Transportation Department urges people to think critically before venturing out onto the transportation network.

Residents are urged to stay home unless absolutely necessary, and if you must get on the roads, follow this guidance:

  • Give first responders and road maintenance crews plenty of space to complete their operations. 
  • Drive slow, give yourself extra space between you and other vehicles, keep your headlights on and make all movements – stopping, starting, and turning – slowly. If you start to slide, turn your wheel in the direction of the slide and gently press the brakes until you regain control. 
  • Stay focused on the road and do not bike, walk or drive inebriated or distracted, especially in icy conditions.  
  • Many traffic signals are out of service due to ice and the ongoing energy outages. Treat flashing signals and signals that are completely black as four-way stops. Please do not report black traffic signals to Austin 3-1-1. 
  • Be careful when walking and biking, as ice-related falls and injuries have been reported to emergency responders. 

Forecasted weather is anticipated to continue to alter roadway conditions it unfolds, with additional snow and ice accumulation possible. Follow for current road conditions.

The Austin-Travis County Emergency Operations Center will continue to provide updates regarding the ongoing weather events. Follow the City’s website and social media channels for more information and updates.


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AustinWinter WeatherTransportation