City of Lockhart approves incentives for Iron Ox's new facility

The City of Lockhart recently approved incentives for local expansion by Iron Ox, which broke ground on its new facility in April.

Iron Ox, a California-based company that specialized in robotics and AI-enabled farming with a mission to solve food insecurity, began construction on a 535,000 square-foot indoor hydroponic farm in the city on Reed Drive.

(City of Lockhart)

The incentives package includes a grant for utilities construction at the company’s planned one million-square-foot facility on 85 acres on Commerce Street. The project will bring jobs, revenues and other benefits to the City. The Lockhart City Council has voted to commit $200,000 towards the construction of water and wastewater utilities.

The incentives also include the five-year City property tax rebate incentive to Iron Ox, once its expansion facility on South Commerce Street is finished and a certificate of occupancy has been granted. Texas consumers will begin finding Iron Ox produce in their local grocery stores in early 2022.

(City of Lockhart)

To receive the rebate, Iron Ox must close on the land, construct the utilities and pay for them, and begin construction for the new facility, with an expected capital investment of $120 million. 

The city says Council felt that construction of the utilities will provide benefits beyond the facility, as that area within the community continues to experience growth requiring public services.

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