Community College Day hosted at Texas State Capitol

Texas community colleges were the focus of a rally Tuesday on the south steps of the Capitol.

Students from junior colleges and community colleges all across the state, including Austin Community College, came to the capitol for Texas Community College Day.

Students got to tour the Capitol grounds and meet with lawmakers to discuss future goals including one that could make a big difference for students trying to transfer to four-year schools.

"When we go to try to transfer to, say, University of Texas, or Texas State, they may use a different course numbering system than we use at Austin Community College. And we're trying to make sure that their course numbering system is the same as ours at the community college level to help aid us in our transfer process," said Daniel Chitty, President with the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society.

Community college advocates say the reason why two-year schools need more attention is because enrollment has jumped about 28-percent in the past 10 years.