Driver doing donuts hits light pole, gets arrested

A driver performing stunts in a parking lot ran into trouble by running into a light pole.

Antioch police released a surveillance video showing a white Chevy Camaro doing donuts in a parking lot at the marina. Though the lot looked nearly empty, the driver still collided into a light post.

The unidentified driver tried to run away but was arrested for reckless driving, according to police. 

"While Police Officers have an affinity for donuts, I think we can all admit that not all donuts are created equal," the police glibly said in a Facebook post

SEE ALSO: Antioch hit and run kills 'good person'

The car was also impounded for 30 days.

Police said they are committed to cracking down on sideshows and other exhibitions of reckless driving. 

SEE ALSO: Bulging bags atop car lead to stolen recyclables, weapon and drugs: police

CaliforniaCrime and Public Safety