City of Georgetown to host household hazardous waste event May 18

GEORGETOWN, Texas - The City of Georgetown is hosting a free household hazardous waster collection event in May.
The event will take place on Wednesday, May 18 from 3-5 p.m. at the old show barn site in San Gabriel Park, 425 E. Morrow St.
The event will be available for up to 200 Georgetown solid waste customers who have solid waste service through Texas Disposal Systems. Customers must contact Customer Care at 512-930-3640 or to have their name placed on a list. Please include your name, address, and utility account number when emailing customer care. Customers must have their name on the list to participate.
Residents must remain in their vehicles during the no-contact collection. Staff will unload items from the back seat or trunk of the vehicle.
All items to be dropped off must be in their marked original containers. Commercial disposal and trailers are not allowed.
Acceptable items include:
- Batteries (household, hearing aids, cell phone, etc.)
- Automobile batteries
- Pool and spa chemicals
- Used oil/oil filters (up to five gallons per vehicle)
- Transmission fluid
- Light bulbs (including regular, compact, and four-foot fluorescent)
- Grease
- Thermometers
- Over the counter, residential lawn and garden chemicals
- Aerosols
- Household cleaners and disinfectants marked caution, warning, or poison
- Art and hobby chemicals
- Paint (up to 10 gallons per vehicle)
- Over the counter one-pound disposal propane bottles
- Gasoline (up to five gallons per vehicle)
Unacceptable items include:
- Unmarked containers or unknown chemicals
- Construction, commercial, or landscape waste
- Professional, concentrated chemicals that require a professional license to mix
- Medications or pharmaceuticals
- Oxygen tanks
- Electronics
- Tires
- Explosives (including ammunition and fireworks)
- Radioactive materials
- Biological materials
For more information about the City’s solid waste and recycling services, visit