Georgia family offers cash, Corvette for dog missing in Hilton Head

A Cobb County family is offering a huge reward for their missing dog. They're offering thousands of dollars in cash and a Corvette to get their dog, Marley, back.

"Marley is a gentle soul. She's 4 years old, a Whippet mix. She means the world to us," said Alex Kirchner.


Marley was adopted four years ago from the Cherokee County Humane Society by Derek and Alex Kirchner.

This past September while on a family vacation in Hilton Head with Marley, the dog ran off.

"She's a huge part of our family and we have to get her back," said Alex.

After a couple of weeks, Alex and their son went home, but Derek stayed behind to look for Marley.


"I wake up in the morning, go out and start my morning searches. I have posters on the bike, "Lost dog" and I ride around Hilton Head searching. Almost everyone in Hilton Head knows me as Marley's dad," said Derek Kirchner.

Derek also has trail cams set up in the area. He's even talked to psychics hoping they'd guide him in the right direction.

Meanwhile, at home, Alex is getting the word out on social media and posting daily about Marley on a Facebook page just for her.


After five months, of constantly searching and living apart, the Kirchners are at the end of their rope and running out of money. They know they can't keep this up much longer and are hoping a bigger reward, $4,000 and Derek's car, might help bring Marley home.

"I'm offering my 2016 Corvette Stingray," said Derek.

"We figured maybe money doesn't matter but maybe a really nice car would," said Alex.


"If someone walked up to me right now and they had Marley and said I'll give you the dog if I can have the car… I would walk away happy with my dog," said Derek.



GeorgiaPets and Animals