Guide to Inauguration Day 2017: Road closures, Metro schedule, parking info and parade route

U.S. Capitol
WASHINGTON - The inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump will take place on Friday, January 20, 2017. Here is a list of changes that are in place in the District.
Click the links below to find the information you need:
What are the METRORAIL, METROBUS, and METROACCESS inauguration service schedules?
How can I WALK to the NATIONAL MALL and the INAUGURAL PARADE route?
Where can I PARK if I'm taking METRO to inaugural events?
What are the RED ZONE and GREEN ZONE traffic restrictions?
What are the road closures for the INAUGURAL CEREMONY and PARADE?
What items are PROHIBITED from the Inaugural ceremonies?
What do I need to know if I’m driving in MARYLAND?
What do I need to know if I’m driving in VIRGINIA?
Vehicle Restricted Zone: Vehicular restrictions in Washington, D.C., will be instituted by the Metropolitan Police Department and the U.S. Park Police. While the outer perimeter of the vehicle restricted zone (Green Zone) will be open to traffic, drivers should expect delays. Drivers and passengers should be prepared to provide proof of residency, employment identification, or a reasonable verbal justification to enter the restricted area. The inner perimeter of the vehicle restricted zone (Red Zone) is limited to authorized personnel only.
CLICK FOR PRINTABLE United States Secret Service Red and Green Zone Vehicle Restrictions Map
Thursday, January 19
1 am – No parking restrictions begin surrounding Union Station
3 am – Temporary street closures begin for the inner vehicle restricted zone (Red Zone) and continue throughout the day. Some closures may be permanent, particularly adjacent to Pennsylvania Avenue. Pennsylvania Avenue will not be available for east/west traffic for the majority of the day, but traffic will be allowed to traverse across Pennsylvania Avenue for as long as possible, provided work related to the inaugural events is not being conducted in the area.
5 am – Street closures begin surrounding the Lincoln Memorial and remain in effect until approximately 7 pm
6 am – No parking restrictions begin surrounding the Washington Convention Center
7 am – No parking restrictions begin for the outer vehicle restricted zone (Green Zone)
10 am – Constitution Ave. between 23rd St and 17th closes to all traffic and will remain closed until approximately 7 pm
2 pm – Street closures around Union Station begin and remain in effect until approximately 11 pm
5 pm – Street closures around the Capitol begin
11 pm – The bulk of the street closures around the Capitol begin
Friday, January 20
3 am – All streets are closed in the inner vehicle restricted zone (Red Zone) and will remain in effect until the conclusion of the parade at approximately 6 pm
10 am – Street closures begin surrounding the Washington Convention Center and remain in effect until midnight.
CLICK FOR PRINTABLE Inaugural Ceremonies Map
The below listed vehicle restrictions and street closures are in effect for the 58th Inaugural Ceremony and Parade beginning at 3 am on Friday, January 20 (unless otherwise noted) until the parade concludes at approximately 6 pm.
Street and Bridge Closures
14th St. Bridge (General purpose lanes) – Open. All traffic diverted to the Southeast/Southwest freeway.
14th St. Bridge HOV (North and South) – Closed to all traffic
Theodore Roosevelt Bridge – Open. Traffic will be diverted north on Potomac River Freeway.
Memorial Bridge – Restricted to pedestrians and authorized vehicles only (closes at 4 am, Thursday, January 19)
Key Bridge – Open to all traffic
Chain Bridge – Open to all traffic
South Capitol St. Bridge – Open to all traffic
Southeast/Southwest Freeway – Open to all traffic
Rock Creek Parkway – Open to traffic north of Virginia Ave (Holiday traffic schedule is in effect throughout the park)
Clara Barton Parkway operating under Holiday schedule (2 way traffic all day)
11th St. Bridges – Open to all traffic
Sousa Bridge – Open to all traffic
East Capitol St. – Open to all traffic but roadways around RFK may have increased bus and pedestrian traffic in the area
Benning Road – Open to all traffic
New York Ave. – Open to all traffic
3rd St. Tunnel – Closed to all traffic (Closure at 6:00 a.m., Friday, January 20)
9th St. Tunnel – Closed to all traffic
12th St. Tunnel – Closed to all traffic
E St. Tunnel – Closed to all traffic
Independence Ave/Maine Ave from 12th St., SW to Memorial Bridge – Closed to all traffic
Ohio Dr. from Inlet Bridge to 23rd St – Closed to all traffic
Ohio Dr. from Independence Ave to Rock Creek Parkway – Closed to all traffic
Inner Vehicle Restricted Zone (Red Zone) – Street Closures
The below listed street closures are in effect for the 58th Inaugural Ceremony and Parade beginning at 3 am on Friday, January 20 until the parade concludes at approximately 6 pm. Vehicle traffic restricted to authorized vehicles only with proper vehicle placard.
Zei Alley NW from 15th St NW to 14th St NW
H St NW from 18th St NW to 12th St NW
H St NW from 5th St NW to 3rd St NW
Pennsylvania Ave NW from 18th St to 15th St NW
New York Ave NW from 15th St NW to 12th St NW
G St NW from 18th St NW to 17th St NW
G St NW from 15th St NW to 12th St NW
G St NW from 6th St NW to 3rd St NW
G Pl NW from 5th St NW to 4th St NW
F St NW from 18th St NW to 17th St NW
F St NW from 15th St NW to 3rd St NW
E St NW from 18th St NW/E St Expressway to 17th St NW
Pennsylvania Ave NW/E St NW from 15th St NW to 3rd St NW
E St NW from N Capitol St NW to Columbia Cir NE
Pennsylvania Ave NW from 15th St NW to 3rd St NW
D St NW from 18th St NW to 17th St NW
D St NW from 9th St NW to Louisiana Ave NW
Indiana Ave NW from 7th St NW to D St NW
Louisiana Ave NW from Constitution Ave NW to 1st St NW
Louisiana Ave NW from D St NE to N Capitol St NW
Maryland Ave SW from 6th St SW to Independence Ave SW
Massachusetts Ave NW from N Capitol St NW to 2nd St NE
C St NW from 18th St NW to 17th St NW
C St NW from 7th St NW to 1st St NW
C St SW from 6th St SW to 2nd St SW
Virginia Ave NW from 18th St NW to Constitution Ave NW
Constitution Ave NW from Virginia Ave NW to Louisiana Ave NW
Madison Dr. NW from 15th St SW to 3rd St SW
Jefferson Dr. SW from 15th St SW to 3rd St SW
Independence Ave SW from 17th St NW to Washington Ave SW
Independence Ave SE from 1st St SE to 2nd St SE
Washington Ave SW from Independence Ave SW to D St SW
L’Enfant Plaza SW from Independence Ave SW to Frontage Rd SW
Including around US Postal Service and L’Enfant Plaza
C St SW from 14th St SW to 12th St SW
D St SW from Washington Ave SW to 1st St SE
18th St NW from I St NW to Virginia Ave NW
17th St NW from I St NW to Independence Ave SW
17th St NW/Connecticut Ave NW/Jackson Pl NW from I St NW to Pennsylvania Ave NW
16th St NW from I St NW to H St NW
15th St NW/Vermont Ave NW/Madison Pl NW from I St NW to Pennsylvania Ave NW
15th St NW from I St NW to Independence Ave SW
Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW from Independence Ave SW to Maine Ave SW
14th St NW from I St NW to C St SW
13 ½ St NW from Pennsylvania Ave NW
13th St NW from I St NW to Pennsylvania Ave NW
13th St NW from Madison Dr. NW to Jefferson Dr. SW
12th St NW from I St NW to C St SW
11th St NW from F St NW to Pennsylvania Ave NW
10th St NW from E St NW to Constitution Ave NW
9th St NW from E St NW to Independence Ave SW
8th St NW from E St to D St NW
7th St NW from E St NW to Independence Ave SW
6th St NW from G St NW to Constitution Ave NW
5th St NW from H St to D St NW
4th St NW from H St NW to D St NW
4th St NW from Pennsylvania Ave NW to Independence Ave SW
3rd St NW from H St NW to Independence Ave NW
2nd St NW from C St NW to Constitution Ave NW
1st St NW from D St NW to Louisiana Ave NW
6th St SW from Virginia Ave SW to Independence Ave SW
4th St SW from Virginia Ave SW to Independence Ave SW
3rd St SW from Virginia Ave SW to Independence Ave SW
*** Parking restrictions began on the above listed streets beginning at 12 pm on Wednesday, January 18 and will remain in place until 1 am on Monday, January 23. All streets will be posted Emergency No Parking with ticket and towing enforcement. ***
Outer Perimeter Vehicle Restricted Zone (Green Zone) – Restricted Access
The below listed streets will have restricted access in effect for the 58th Inaugural Ceremony and Parade beginning at 4 am on Friday, January 20 until the parade concludes at approximately 6 pm. Vehicle traffic restricted to residents or businesses within the restricted area. MPD and National Guard personnel will verify traffic entering into the Green Zone.
K St NW from Washington Cir NW to 11 St NW
Pennsylvania Ave NW from Washington Cir NW to 18th St NW
I St NW from 23rd St NW to 20th St NW
I St NW from Pennsylvania Ave NW to 18th St NW
I St NW from 12th St NW to 11th St NW
H St NW from 23rd St NW to 18th St NW
H St NW from Pennsylvania Ave NW to 18th St NW
New York Ave NW from 12th St NW to 11th St NW
H St NW from 12th St NW to Massachusetts Ave NW
Massachusetts Ave NW/Columbia Cir NW from H St NW to 2nd St NW
G St NW from 23rd St NW to 18th St NW
G St NW from 12th St NW to 7th St NW
G St NW from 3rd St NW to Massachusetts Ave NW
G Pl NW from 10th St NW to 9th St NW
F St NW from 23rd St NW 18th St NW
F St NW from 3rd St NW to N Capitol St NW
E St NW from 23rd St NW to 18th St NW
E St Express Way from 23rd St NW to 18th St NW
E St NW from 3rd St NW to Columbia Cir NW
D St NW from 23rd St NW to Virginia Ave NW
Virginia Ave NW from 23rd St NW to 18th St NW
Virginia Ave NW to E St NW
C St NW from 23rd St NW to Virginia Ave NW
Constitution Ave NW from 23rd St NW to Virginia Ave NW
Henry Bacon Dr. NW from Lincoln Memorial Cir. NW to Constitution Ave NW
Daniel French Dr. SW from Lincoln Memorial Cir. SW to Independence Ave SW
Homefront Dr. from 17th St NW to Independence Ave SW
Independence Ave. SW/Kutz Bridge from 23rd St NW to 15th St SW
C St SW from 9th St SW to 7th St SW
Maryland Ave SW from 7th St SW to Independence Ave SW
C St SW from 12 St SW to 2nd St SW
D St SW from 14th St SW to Virginia Ave SW
Virginia Ave SW from 9th St SW to 4th St SW
D St SW from 4th St SW to 2nd St SW
E St SW from 7th St SW to North Carolina Ave SE
North Carolina Ave SE from E St SE to 1st St SE
School St SW from 6th St SW to 4th St SW
Frontage Rd SW from 7th St SW to Tunnel
Including northbound and southbound routes to D St SW and 12th St Expressway
Maine Ave SW from 9th St SW to 12 St SW
Maine Ave SW from 9th St SW to 14th St SW
Maine Ave SW from 9th St SW to Independence Ave SW
Ohio Dr. SW from Independence Ave SW to Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway NW
Washington Cir NW from K St NW to 23rd St NW
23rd St NW from K St NW to Independence Ave SW
Lincoln Memorial Cir. NW between 23rd St NW and Independence Ave NW
22nd St NW from K St NW to Virginia Ave NW
22nd St NW from C St NW to Constitution Ave NW
21st St NW from K St NW to Constitution Ave NW
20th St NW from K St NW to Virginia Ave NW
20th St NW from C St NW to Constitution Ave NW
19th St NW from K St NW to Constitution Ave NW
18th St NW from K St NW to I St NW
18th St NW from Virginia Ave NW to Constitution Ave NW
17th St NW/Connecticut Ave NW/Jackson Pl NW from K St NW to I St NW
17th St NW from K St NW to I St NW
15th St NW from K St NW to I St NW
15th St NW/Vermont Ave NW/Madison Pl NW from K St NW to I St NW
14th St NW from K St NW to I St NW
14th St SW from C St SW to Maine Ave SW
13th St NW from K St NW to I St NW
12th St NW from K St NW to I St NW
12th St SW from C St SW to Maine Ave SW/395
12th St SW from Independence Ave SW to Frontage Rd SW
11th St NW from K St NW to F St NW
10th St NW from H St NW to F St NW
9th St NW from H St NW to F St NW
9th St SW from Independence Ave SW to Frontage Rd SW
8th St NW from H St NW to G St NW
7th St NW from H St NW to F St NW
7th St SW from Independence Ave SW to Frontage Rd SW
6th St NW from H St NW to G St NW
6th St SW from Independence Ave SW to Frontage Rd SW
4th St SW from Independence Ave SW to E St SW
3rd St SW from Independence Ave SW to E St SW
2nd St NW from Massachusetts Ave NW to D St NW
2nd St SW from Washington Ave SW to E St SW
1st St NE from New Jersey Ave NE to D St NE
New Jersey Ave NE from Massachusetts Ave NW to D St NE
Washington Ave SW from Independence Ave SW to E St SW
Washington Ave SW from Independence Ave SW to S Capitol St SE
N Capitol St NW from Massachusetts Ave NW to E St NE
S Capitol St SE from D St SE to E St SE
1st St SE from D St SE to North Carolina Ave SE
** Parking restrictions began on the above listed streets at 7 am on Thursday, January 19 and will remain in place until 1 am on Saturday, January 21. All streets will be posted Emergency No Parking with ticket and towing enforcement. ***
Road closures on Capitol Hill will be instituted by the US Capitol Police in cooperation with the Metropolitan Police Department. Vehicle traffic restricted to authorized vehicles only with proper vehicle placard. No public parking will be available.
The following street closures will go into effect starting at 5 pm on Thursday, January 19 (in addition to roads regularly restricted on Capitol Grounds):
Washington Ave SW from C St. SW to Independence Ave SW (Northbound Only)
East Capitol St. from First St to Second St.
In addition to the earlier closures, the following street closures will go into effect starting at 11:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 19th (in addition to roads regularly restricted on Capitol Grounds):
Louisiana Ave NE between Columbus Circle and Constitution Ave NW
Delaware Ave NE between Columbus Circle and D St. NE
1st St. between Columbus Circle and D St. SE
North Capitol St. between E St. NW and D St. NE
New Jersey Ave NW between D St. NW and Constitution Ave NW
D St. between New Jersey Ave NW and 2nd St. NE
1st St. between D St. NW and Washington Ave SW
C St. NW between 2nd St. NW and Second St.NE
2nd St. NW between C St. NW and Constitution Ave NW
2nd St. NE between Massachusetts Ave NE and C St. SE
C St. SE between 2nd St. SE and 4th St. SW
D St. between 1st St. SE and 4th St. SW
Washington Ave SW between South Capitol St. and Independence Ave SW
Independence Ave between 3rd St. SE and 4th St. SW
3rd St. between E St. SW and D St. NW
Constitution Ave between 2nd St. NE and 3rd St. NW
Maryland Ave NE between 1st St. NE and Constitution Ave, NE
2nd St. SW between Washington Ave SW and E St. SW
South Capitol St. between E St. SW and D St. SW
I-295 South on-ramp from Washington Ave SW
I-395 North off-ramp onto Washington Ave SW
I-395 North off-ramp onto C St. NW
I-395 South on-ramp from 2nd St. SW
I-395 South off-ramp onto 2nd St. SW
I-395 North on-ramp from Washington Ave SW
I-295 North off-ramp onto Washington Ave SW
Streets will reopen upon the parade’s conclusion at approximately 6 pm.
The below listed vehicle restrictions and street closures are in effect for the perimeter surrounding the Lincoln Memorial beginning at 5 am on January 19 until the event concludes at approximately 7 pm. Vehicle traffic restricted to authorized vehicles only with proper vehicle placard.
Street and Bridge Closures
Constitution Ave (23rd St. to 15th St.) – Closed at 10 am
23rd St. NW (Virginia Ave to Independence Ave) – Closed
Henry Bacon Dr. – Closed
Lincoln Memorial Cir. – Closed
22nd St. NW (C St. to Constitution Ave) – Closed
21st St. NW (Virginia Ave to Constitution Ave) – Closed
20th St. NW (C St. to Constitution Ave) – Closed
19th St. NW (Virginia Ave to Constitution Ave) – Closed
18th St. NW (Virginia Ave to Constitution Ave) – Closed
Virginia Ave (18th St. to Constitution Ave) – Closed
17th St. NW (New York Ave to Independence Ave) – Closed
Independence Ave (23rd St to 17th St.) – Closed
Daniel French Dr. – Closed
Ohio Dr. (Independence Ave to Inlet Bridge) – Closed
West Basin Dr. (Ohio Dr. to Independence Ave) – Closed
Rock Creek Parkway (Virginia Ave to Ohio Dr.) – Closed
Parkway Dr. – Closed
Memorial Bridge – Closed at 4 am
Theodore Roosevelt Bridge -- *10 am on January 19, a full closure will occur with all traffic being diverted onto Northbound Potomac River Freeway
*** Parking restrictions will begin on the below listed streets at 10 pm on Wednesday, January 18 and will remain in place until 7 pm on Thursday, January 19. All streets will be posted Emergency No Parking with ticket and towing enforcement. ***
Constitution Ave from 23rd St NW to 15th St NW
23rd St. NW from Virginia Ave to Constitution Ave NW
22nd St. NW from C St NW to Constitution Ave NW
21st St. NW from Virginia Ave to Constitution Ave NW
20 St. NW from C St. to Constitution Ave NW
19th St. NW from Virginia Ave to Constitution Ave NW
18th St. NW from Virginia Ave to Constitution Ave NW
17th St. NW from New York Ave to Independence Ave NW
Independence Ave NW from Ohio Dr. to 17th St. NW
Ohio Dr. NW from Independence Ave NW to Inlet bridge
West Basin Dr. NW from Ohio Dr. NW to Independence Ave NW
Rock Creek Pkwy from Ohio Dr. NW to Virginia Ave NW
Lincoln Memorial Cir.
Parkway Dr. NW from Ohio Dr. NW to Lincoln Memorial Cir.
The below listed vehicle restrictions and street closures are in effect for the perimeter surrounding Union Station beginning at 2 pm until 11 pm on January 19. Vehicle traffic restricted to authorized vehicles only with proper vehicle placard.
Street Closures
Massachusetts Ave NE (North Capitol St. NE to 3rd St NE) – Closed
Columbus Cir. NE (All Lanes. All Directions) – Closed
Louisiana Ave NE (North Capitol St. NE to Columbus Cir. NE) – Closed
1st St NE (K St NE to Massachusetts Ave NE) Only local traffic with garage passes and identification
G St NE (North Capitol St. NE to 1st St NE) – Closed
G Pl. NE (North Capitol St. NE to 1st St NE) – Closed
H St NE (North Capitol St. NE to 3rd St NE) May be subject to temporary closures from 12 pm to 11 pm
2nd St NE (I St NE to Massachusetts Ave NE) Only local traffic with garage passes and identification
G St NE (2nd St NE to 3rd St NE) – Closed
F St NE (2nd St NE to 3rd St NE) – Closed
E St NE (2nd St NE to 3rd St NE) – Closed
*** Parking restrictions will begin on the above listed streets at 1 am on Thursday, January 19 and will remain in place until 1 am on Friday, January 20. All streets will be posted Emergency No Parking with ticket and towing enforcement. ***
The below listed vehicle restrictions and street closures are in effect for the perimeter surrounding the Washington Convention Center beginning on January 20 at 10 am until the events conclude at midnight. Vehicle traffic restricted to authorized vehicles only with proper vehicle placard.
Street Closures
7th St NW from O St NW to Massachusetts Ave NW
9th St NW from O St NW to New York Ave NW
New York Ave NW from 6th St NW to 10th St NW
Massachusetts Ave NW from 6th St NW to 10th St NW
K St NW from 6th St NW to 10th St NW
Mt Vernon Pl NW from 7th St NW to 9th St NW
L St NW from 7th St NW to 9th St NW
M St NW from 7th St NW to 9th St NW
N St NW from 7th St NW to 9th St NW
8th St NW from O St NW to N St NW
McCullough Ter. from N St NW to M St NW
Public Alley between 9th St NW and 8th St NW from O St NW to N St NW
*** Parking restrictions will begin on the above listed streets at 6 am on Thursday, January 19 and will remain in place until 9 am on Sunday, January 22. All streets will be posted Emergency No Parking with ticket and towing enforcement. ***
Vehicle Restricted Zone
The below listed streets will have restricted access in effect for the 58th Inaugural events beginning at 6 am on Thursday, January 19 until 9 am on Sunday, January 22. Vehicle traffic restricted to residents or businesses within the restricted area. MPD and National Guard personnel will verify traffic entering into the Green Zone.
L St NW from 6th St NW to 10th St NW
M St NW from 6th St NW to 10th St NW
N St NW from 6th St NW to 10th St NW
Blagden Alley NW from N St NW to M St NW
Blagden Alley NW from 9th St NW to 10th St NW
Shepherd Ct NW from M St NW to 10th St NW
Naylor Ct NW from O St NW to N St NW
Naylor Ct NW from 9th St NW to 10th St NW
Emergency No Parking Only
Parking restrictions will begin on the below listed streets at 6 am. on Friday, January, 20th and will remain in place until 6 am on Saturday, January 21. All streets will be posted Emergency No Parking with ticketing and towing enforcement beginning. There will be no restrictions to vehicle traffic within this area.
6th St NW from O St NW to K St NW
10th St NW from O St NW to K St NW
O St NW from 6th St NW to 7th St NW
NATIONAL CATHEDRAL CLOSURES (1/21/17) | back to top
The below listed vehicle restrictions and street closures are in effect for the perimeter surrounding the National Cathedral beginning at 7:30 am until the event concludes at approximately 12 pm on January 21. Vehicle traffic restricted to authorized vehicles only with proper vehicle placard.
Street Closures
36th St NW from Woodley Rd to Lowell St NW
35th St NW from Woodley Rd to Lowell St NW
Woodley Rd from 34th NW to Wisconsin Ave NW
Wisconsin Ave. from Woodley Rd to Massachusetts Ave NW
Massachusetts Ave from Wisconsin Ave. to Garfield St. NW
Pilgrim Rd from Garfield St NW to Massachusetts Ave NW
Entrance to St. Alban School on Garfield St. NW
South Rd at Wisconsin Ave NW
All vehicular road restrictions will be coordinated between the Virginia State Police, the Virginia Department of Transportation and local jurisdictions.
I-395 HOV northbound lanes will close at 3 am on January 20. HOV lanes on I-395 will re-open southbound upon the conclusion of the Inaugural ceremonies.
I-395 main lanes and I-66 will be open to all traffic.
Memorial Bridge will be open to pedestrian traffic and authorized vehicle traffic only.
Key Bridge, Chain Bridge, Woodrow Wilson Bridge and the American Legion Bridge will be open to all traffic.
North Washington St. at Montgomery St. (City of Alexandria City) to Reagan National Airport will be open.
The George Washington Memorial Parkway will be open in both directions.
Traffic will be allowed to exit Washington Reagan National Airport onto northbound or southbound George Washington Memorial Parkway.
While there are no anticipated road closures or restrictions in Maryland, officials are discouraging individuals from driving into the District and encouraging the use of mass transit. The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (SHA) is supporting Inaugural activities in the following manner:
SHA crews and Maryland State Police may temporarily close ramps from primary interstate roads onto secondary roads to manage congestion;
The Maryland State Police will tow immediately any abandoned or illegally parked vehicles along state and interstate routes;
Be prepared for stopped traffic;
Rest areas in Maryland, including the Chesapeake House, Maryland House and the northbound Laurel Rest Area, will be open 24-hours a day between January 17-20
SHA is working with other agencies in Maryland, as well as Virginia, the District of Columbia and the federal government to ensure safety along Maryland highways and provide up-to-the-minute information
Please use the Maryland State Highway Administration website: The Maryland Transit Administration is offering special MARC service on Inauguration Day and their release is here. SHA will deploy extra highway response technicians to help clear disabled vehicles and crashes.
CLICK FOR PRINTABLE Inaugural Metro Guide
Inaugural events attendees are encouraged to use public transportation, as many streets in and around the Capitol Grounds and the National Mall area will be closed to private automobiles for much of the day. Metro plans to run special rail service on Inauguration Day to support large crowds traveling to and from the National Mall and other events in the region.
On Inauguration Day, January 20:
METRORAIL | back to top
Metrorail will open at 4 am and close at midnight. Peak fares will be in effect from 4 am until 9 pm. After 9 pm, off-peak fares will be in effect.
Five of Metro's 91 stations – Archives, Mt Vernon Square, Federal Triangle, Smithsonian and Pentagon – will be closed due to enhanced security measures.
For 17 consecutive hours – from opening until 9 pm – trains will run frequently on all lines, including "Rush Plus" service on the Yellow Line between Franconia-Springfield and Greenbelt.
Riders planning to use Metro are encouraged to purchase their SmarTrip card in advance to avoid long lines on Inauguration Day. (Each rider age 5 or older needs his/her own SmarTrip card to enter and exit the system). Before January 13, visit to purchase a special $10 one-day pass good for unlimited Metrorail and Metrobus trips on Inauguration Day.
Metro recommends that riders plan their trip to the National Mall without transferring between lines. There is a station near the National Mall on each Metro line.
Several downtown Metrorail station entrances will be designated as “entry only” or “exit only” to safely manage crowds.
Some escalators will be intentionally turned off to regulate the flow of customers.
METROBUS | back to top
Metrobus will operate "Saturday Supplemental" service (Saturday schedule with additional trips on selected routes). Check for details.
Approximately 50 routes will operate with detours due to Inauguration events and road closures. Expect delays and detours. Please allow additional time.
Routes that normally cross the National Mall will turn around at special locations outside the secure area; use Metrorail instead. Visit for information.
Temporary bus stops will be marked around the security perimeter of the event where bus routes will end.
METRO ACCESS | back to top
MetroAccess paratransit service for customers with disabilities will operate identical hours to rail and bus schedules.
MetroAccess customers are encouraged to plan extra time to travel due to increased traffic throughout the service area. Due to road closures, MetroAccess vehicles will only be able to drop off customers several blocks from the National Mall and parade route.
MetroAccess vehicles will not be permitted access to streets that are closed. All MetroAccess users should be prepared for detours and extended travel times.
METRO PARKING | back to top
Metro has approximately 60,000 parking spaces in 29 lots and 22 garages throughout the Washington region for private motorists to park on Inauguration Day. Many of these facilities are located near major highways, such as I-95/I-495 (Capital Beltway).
Tour buses are not permitted to park at Metro stations or use Metro bus facilities or roadways. Follow tour bus instructions on
Regular weekday parking rates will be charged as you exit the garage and may be paid by credit card.
Parking facilities at Metro stations may reach capacity early on Inauguration Day. Have a backup plan in the event that your selected parking facility is full.
Metro's special inauguration website: Sign up for Metro Inauguration Alerts by texting POTUS to 90360.
The following streets are pedestrian routes to the National Mall:
H St. NW from Massachusetts Ave. NW to Pennsylvania Ave. NW
I St. NW from New York Ave. NW to Pennsylvania Ave. NW
K St. NW from 9th St. NW to Washington Cir. NW
18th St. from K St. NW to Constitution Ave. NW
19th St. from K St. NW to Virginia Ave. NW
Virginia Ave NW from 23rd St. to Constitution Ave. NW
Constitution Ave. NW from 23rd St. to 7th St. NW
Arlington Memorial Bridge from Virginia, around Lincoln Cir. to Constitution Ave. NW or Independence Ave SW
Massachusetts Ave. from E St. NW to 3rd St. NW
3rd St. NE and Massachusetts Ave. NE to D St. SE to New Jersey Ave. SE to I St. SE/SW to 7th St. SW
East Capitol St. NE from 19th St. NE to North Carolina Ave. SE 3rd St. SE to I St. SE/SW to 7th St. SW
M St. SW from 4th St. SW to I St. SW to 7th St. SW
7th St. SW from I St. SW to Independence Ave. SW
12th St. SW from Maine Ave. SW to Independence Ave. SW
Independence Ave. SW from 23rd St. SW to 7th St. SW
National Mall access points (Includes Bag Checks):
Constitution Ave. NW at 7th St. NW, 12th St. NW and 17th St. NW
Independence Ave. SW at 7th St. SW, 12th St. SW, 15th St. SW, and 17th St. SW
The following streets are pedestrian routes to the Inaugural Parade:
H St. NW from Pennsylvania Ave. NW to 7th St. NW
I St. NW from Pennsylvania Ave. NW to New York Ave. NW
K St. NW from Washington Cir. NW to 9th St. NW
Arlington Memorial Bridge from Virginia, around Lincoln Cir. to Constitution Ave. NW
Virginia Ave. NW from 23rd St. NW to Constitution Ave. NW
Constitution Ave. NW from 23rd St. NW to 7th St. NW
Independence Ave. SW from L’Enfant Plaza SW to 17th St. SW to Constitution Ave. NW
East Capitol St. NE from 19th St. NE to Massachusetts Ave. NE to E St. NE/NW
I St. SE from New Jersey Ave. SE to 7th St. SW to Constitution Ave. NW
M St. SE from First St. SE to 4th St. SW to I St. SW to 7th St. SW
For pedestrians walking to the National Mall, Union Station is the recommended east/west divide on the north side of the parade route. It is 3.0 miles from Columbus Cir. NE to 7th St. and Independence Ave. SW (going around the U.S. Capitol) and 3.1 miles from Massachusetts Ave. NE to 12th St. and Constitution Ave. NW (going around the White House) using these pedestrian routes.
Recommended Metro exits for individuals with tickets include Capitol South, Eastern Market, Union Station, NoMa-Gallaudet U (New York Ave.), Judiciary Square, Gallery Pl.-Chinatown, Federal Center SW or L’Enfant Plaza. Additional information on the Inauguration ceremonies is available at
Viewing the Inaugural ceremonies from the National Mall does not require tickets. However, bags will be checked. The non-ticketed area of the National Mall begins at 4th St. NW, and extends past the Washington Monument to 17th St. NW. The Washington Monument viewing area will be restricted to the grounds between 17th St. NW and 15th St. NW.
PROHIBITED ITEMS | back to top
Umbrellas - Due to the forecast of rain on Friday, there has been a revision to the "no umbrella" policy for tomorrow's inaugural events. "Totes" style umbrellas that collapse will be allowed on the parade route as well as the National Mall for the inauguration. Long, non-collapsible umbrellas will not be allowed on the route or the Mall.
Animals other than service/guide animals
Backpacks and bags exceeding size restrictions (18” by 13” by 7”)
Drones and other unmanned aircraft systems
Glass, thermal, or metal containers
Laser pointers
Mace / Pepper spray
Selfie Sticks
Signs exceeding the size restrictions (20’ x 3’ x 1/4”)
Supports for signs and placards
Toy guns
Weapons of any kind
Any other items determined to be potential safety hazards