Heartbreaking photo of sad dog left at shelter by his family goes viral

Photo credit: Dogland Photography
NOBLESVILLE, Ind. (FOX 35 ORLANDO) - To all animal lovers: this may just break your heart.
A photo of a sad dog shared by the Humane Society for Hamilton County in Indiana has gone viral.
The shelter says that Ritter, a 4-year-old American Bulldog, was dropped off by his family after they lost their home. The family also dropped off their other dog, named Corky.
"Ritter's negative reaction to the shelter was immediate and heartbreaking. This is the reality our animals face every day - Heartbreak and a sense of hopelessness," the shelter wrote on Instagram.
Ritter is seen hanging his head in sadness, sitting in the corner of his kennel.
"We are his second chance - it's time to help this boy find a place to live, love, and be loved."
The shelter posted the photo on Tuesday afternoon where it has been shared over 3,000 times. By Tuesday night, Ritter had found a home.
"Ritter has found a home!! Thank you to everyone who shared his story and reached out. Happily ever after, Ritter!"