Meals on wheels delivers much more than food

On holidays volunteers bring companionship and comfort to those who don't have family.

On Christmas morning as children were unwrapping their gifts the elves of meals on wheels Central Texas were hard at work preparing food.

"For 12 straight years we've been providing hot holiday meals on Christmas to the homebound seniors we serve,” said Meals on Wheels Central Texas CEO Adam Hauser. "This is what meals on wheels central Texas is all about and what the holiday's all about getting a group of people together to give back."

Mike Wilke was among the volunteers who offered to serve as delivery drivers.

They loaded food, gifts and hand-made decorations and headed out to more than 400 homes throughout the city.

"There's just a lot of need in this city for service like this any many others,” said Wilke. 

Wilke first started delivering meals nine years ago and said it was eye-opening experience.

"It's kind of surprising. I live in another world so to speak within the same city here and wasn't even aware of all the need,” said Wilke. 

His first stop was the home of Corazon Kinney.  She is 88-years-old and no longer has her husband.  Wilke sits with her and talks for a bit.

"I'm really happy. I’m really happy and thankful to the lord,” said Kinney. 

Kinney then opens her gift from the organization.

Presents are catered toward the seniors' needs. she gets a blanket, a calendar and body wash.

As Wilke prepares to go to the next home Kinney gives a thankful hug.

"Let me hug you! Merry Christmas. Thank you. God bless you,” said Kinney. 

He's made her day. But Wilke said he benefits more. 

"They help me make my day,” said Wilke. 

He does this nine more times, he plans to continue the tradition next Christmas and encourages others to do the same.

"It makes everything real. A kind of break from all the presents. all the advertising. all the shopping and that sort of stuff and focuses on peoples' real needs."