Mexican consulates host "know your rights" events for immigrants

Saturday, President Trump vowed to appeal a judges ruling blocking funding for a border wall. He also revived his threat to proceed with immigration raids, as early as next week. 

This comes as all 51 Mexican consulates in the United States hosted informational sessions for immigrants Saturday. The sessions were designed to ensure those in attendance, were aware of their rights given the possibility wide scale raids. 

"Well it's in preparation. They're trying to prepare in the event that they are encountered at their homes, or place of employment or while they're driving. What to say, how to protect themselves and be able to actually prepare them for the actual detention."  said Yohana Saucedo an immigration attorney assisting at an event at Austin's Mexican Consulate. 

Hipolito, a Mexican immigrant, also attended the event in Austin with his wife and son Juan, 11, who translated for him. Hipolito says he's worried about what will happen if he's detained. "[Hipolito] says that he's not that scared, but he's kind of afraid of what's going to happen to me or my mom. What if we're like by ourselves, and we can't be like, we can't live without him because he kind of like works and stuff like that." Juan translated for his father. 

Even more concerning for Hipolito, was the thought of his young son, being left in the country without either parent. "He didn't like how kids like sometimes could be by themselves whenever their parents are taken away and the kids like, what do they do really? What happens to them? Or really, they take them? Or what can they do to be with family?" Juan explained on his fathers behalf. 

Hipolitos concern for his son, brought him to the event. Juan says Hipolito  wanted to obtain information about "what could happen" and how he could "do stuff so [Juan] could be okay." 

Juan says his fathers show of concern, makes him feel cared for. 

"Sometimes I feel like scared and think about what could happen to my parents. And sometimes, I'm thinking you don't have to be scared. Like let's say we live a life, and they don't really go back to Mexico, and we stay here all our lives." the 11-year-old said. 

Ahead of the raids, lawyers at Saturday's event wanted immigrants to understand that for somebody to enter their home, search the home, or make an arrest they need a warrant. A deportation order is not a warrant. They should not sign any documents, they should request an attorney, and have the right to remain silent.