Northwest Austin fire displaces families on Christmas

Authorities are trying to determine what caused an apartment fire this morning in Northwest Austin. Many families are left without a home this Christmas. 

One resident recorded video of the fire which is providing critical clues for investigators. They are studying the first few minutes to help locate the point of origin.

Several families woke up to flames Christmas morning at the Hendrix Apartment Complex. Joe Montalbano managed to save his girlfriend, two dogs and several neighbors. 

"The next building over, there were some people, I got them out. Then I went to the other side of the building and I knocked on some doors. Only one person came to the door and he was half asleep. He said, 'What's up?' I said, 'The building is on fire, get out,'" says Joe Montalbano, alerted neighbors to fire. 

He, like many others, lost everything. The Jollyville Fire Department responded to Northwest Austin just before 9:30 a.m. Crews reported heavy smoke coming from building 9 with flames extending from the 2nd to third floor. The blaze damaged 12 of 24 units but more may have been affected by smoke and water. The fire chief says although a tragedy, there is something to be thankful for.

"Everybody's been accounted for. No injuries; no fatalities - so we're very thankful for that," says Chief John Kiracofe, Jollyville Fire Department.

At least 12 families have been displaced. For now they are being relocated to other apartment units managed by the ownership group. American Red Cross Central Texas was also there providing help.

"I held a child this morning, put him up. He was running here, right where we are, barefoot. He was just by himself so I held him, covered his feet trying to warm him up. He was terrified. Well that's what we do: now we get them in, get them warm, get a blanket around them, get them something warm to eat," says Rick Perkins, public information officer, American Red Cross Central Texas. 

Firefighters worked until late Monday evening trying to attack the hot spots, making sure everything was out. This is the second time a major fire has swept through this apartment complex. In December 2012, 60 units were destroyed. Some residents drove their vehicles through security fencing in order to escape. In times like this, the Red Cross says the community should reach out to help, especially on Christmas. 

"Today would be the one day out of the year I say, reach into your pocket. You've got neighbors in need right now, right now needing help. 1-800-REDCROSS is the best way to do it," says Perkins. 
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