Police still looking for hit-and-run driver that crashed into bicyclist in South Austin
AUSTIN, Texas - It’s been one week since a witness unintentionally captured video of Nicolas Gardiner getting hit by a car while biking down Riverside Drive.
Gardiner and witnesses told FOX 7 that it was intentional. The person responsible has still not been caught.
"I got to say it’s pretty violating," said Gardiner on Wednesday. "Apparently you can just hit someone with a car downtown Austin and get away with it now."
Gardiner’s road rash is healing up, but he’s still using a crutch and has a boot due to a fracture in his heal.
"It's been really painful, just kind of all like the achiness and soreness has set in," said Gardiner when asked how the past week has been. "I haven’t really been able to work because I’ve been kind of zonked out on pain meds."
Austin bicyclist hit by car in hit-and-run speaks out, says the car ran him over intentionally
An Austin bicyclist was hit by a car off Riverside and another bicyclist caught the incident on camera, and it showed that the car may have hit the man on purpose. The Police are now searching for the driver of the car involved.
With Austin continuing to grow, Gardiner thinks that more could be done to protect bicyclists, especially in high-trafficked areas like Riverside Drive. He suggested adding a bike path or cameras.
"I mean we’re touted as one of the most bike-friendly cities in America, but every day I look on the news there’s another headline about somebody getting hit," he said.
In fact, the same day Gardiner was hit, another bicyclist was hit and killed in southeast Austin.
While the road to recovery will be long, Gardiner is grateful to at least be alive.
"The same day as me, he got hit, and he died," said Gardiner. "I was able to walk away."
Gardiner was able to provide a description of the car that hit him. He said it was a white, two-door car that looked like an early 2000s Honda Accord or Toyota. There was a spoiler on the back and a sunroof. He said there may be damage on the front right headlight or hood of the car.
Gardiner said he met with Austin Police Department detectives on Monday to give a statement. FOX 7 reached out to APD on Monday, and they were unable to provide any information on the case.
If you have any information, call APD.
To help Gardiner purchase a new bike or pay for medical expenses, click here.
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