Potential freezing prompts TxDOT to pre-treat roads in Waco area

If you are traveling through the Waco area, TxDOT crews will begin prepping I-35 and other state roads in that area this Thursday for potential freezing.

"For us that’s I-35 which covers three counties in our district, I-14 in Bell County and US 84 and State Highway 6," said Jake Smith the TxDOT Waco District Public Information Officer.

One of their main concerns in Waco are the bridges and overpasses. "The reason they’re doing that is that the structures are elevated which means they get colder faster," said Smith.

TxDOT says it has no plans right now to do the same in the Austin area because there aren't expected to be the same conditions as Waco, but they do want drivers to keep this in mind if they plan to travel through the Waco area for New Years. 

"If they do see a TxDOT vehicle and they are applying pre-treatment give them at least 200 feet of space. Give them that space to work for your safety and our safety as well," Smith says.

A useful tool that drivers can use this winter season before they hit the road is drivetexas.org. The website allows drivers to see the conditions of roadways before they even leave their homes.

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