Pro-life group visits UT, discourages use of Planned Parenthood
AUSTIN, Texas-- A student-run pro-life group is protesting Planned Parenthood. The National group made a stop in Austin Friday morning at the University of Texas.
When Kennedy Perry walked by the students for a pro-life display at UT, she said she felt uneasy.
“They just immediately struck me as kind of slanderous,” Perry said.
The group is on a 16,000 mile tour across the country, hitting 80 different colleges, telling others their views on Planned Parenthood. Perry, who's from Lubbock, said her hometown Planned Parenthood was recently shut down, but she didn't expect to see the movement against them so strong in Austin.
“Coming to a place like Austin, a place that's a little more progressive I was really shocked to see this,” she said.
The display showed messages that the clinic sells baby parts and has an abortion quota.
“We're out here to let people know how much of their business is abortion,” Katie Martin, Regional Coordinator for Students for Life of America, said.
It didn't take long for those supporting the clinic to appear.
“A lot of the statistics they are providing are out of nowhere and they are providing a context that has nothing to do with our services,” Richelle King, Co-Chair of UT Planned Parenthood Leadership and Advocacy Council, said.
The issue of the controversial fetal parts video was a hot topic.
“We're seeing them deny the things that are clearly seen on the video,” Martin said.
“Our affiliates across the country, some of them participate in fetal tissue donation which is a perfectly legal procedure. A lot of officials have decided these videos are slanderous,” King said.
Planned Parenthood said they disagree with the message this group sends. The students for life will continue to spread their pro-life message.
“We really want to make sure people understand the truth, and people understand, they need to look behind the marketing,” Perry said.