Randy Travis 2012 DWI video released by Texas DPS
The dash cam video from country singer Randy Travis' 2012 DWI arrest has been released by the Texas Department of Public Safety.
The dash cam video shows the country music star ranting to an officer and praying he gets sick with different diseases, including cancer.
Travis' family didn't want the video to be made public because they say he can't comment or defend his actions due to a stroke he suffered in 2013. After years of trying to keep it private, a federal judge allowed the release.
Travis was taken to jail after refusing to be taken to a hospital for treatment. He was later sentenced to probation and rehab.
Representatives for the country singer released the following statement regarding the video:
Randy’s behavior was extremely altered the evening of his arrest due to the state of his mental health, and substances in his body, causing him to do and say things that were entirely out of character. He suffered a severe concussion and sustained numerous other injuries from the crash.
Notwithstanding the release of the tape, Randy and his team will have their day in court regarding the ongoing lawsuit against the State of Texas in relation to the violation of his civil rights.
Randy Travis is well-known to be a loving, caring person who is respectful of everyone, a video that shows anything otherwise only underscores that he was absolutely not himself. Randy is deeply apologetic for his actions that evening. A man of integrity with a good heart, Randy does not and will never condone these types of actions that distort the true beliefs of Randy Travis and his entire family.