Running red-lights can be deadly

 Elgin Police are hoping a new online video that's been viewed nearly 14,000 times will remind drivers of the dangers of running red lights.  

The video caught a minivan entering the busy intersection of U.S. 290 and County Line Road just seconds after a red light. The driver of the van barely misses a pickup truck. 

The video post has gotten 14,000 views and Elgin Police said they want to remind drivers of the dangers that come with running a red light.

Elgin Police lieutenant John Corbett said they implemented the red light camera system back in 2011.

"The number of serious bodily injuries and fatalities accidents on 290 on Elgin has remained at zero for six and half years. Before the implication of the program it wasn't like that," said Corbett.

Krista Jameson watched the video online and said she believes red light camera's help save lives.

"It's safety.  It gives people a reason to pay attention to what they're doing," said Jameson.

According to Corbett, currently there are four red light cameras throughout the city of Elgin.

"They save lives, that really surprised me because that wasn't what we expected," said Corbett.

Corbett said he doesn’t really know why people run red lights however distracted driving plays a major role.

“People are so distracted now a day, as they’re driving their talking on cell phone and texting," Corbett said.

Jameson said the reality of the situation is scary. 

"Right there, a split second difference could of changed someone's life forever," said Jameson."Shocking that could have been someone's life,"

Corebett said the driver of the minivan has been ticketed and ticket costs vary from county to county.