Sleet and graupel cover parts of Central Texas

The icy mix fell in waves throughout the day. From Sunset Valley to Vedar Park, ice pellets danced off of hard surfaces. That had a lot of people stepping at a quicker pace trying to beat the chill.

Monique Jones who is visiting from Portland, was among those not expecting this kind of weather. "I was not. I’m still freezing … I thought I was going to get sunshine," said Jones.  

Others were not caught off guard. They bundled up. Some in mixed matched layers. Others in color coordinated accessories that have been waiting for their day to shine.

Nicole Turbiville was ready for her morning dog walk and was not entirely surprised by what they encountered. “The chill not necessarily but a little bit of the sleeting I did, but that didn't stop me with the dog, so we just go out and do our usual walk, said Tuberiville.

The wintery mix that fell wasn't just sleet, it was also something called graupel, which is a powdery small form of hail. On Hwy 183 near the Arboretum waves of ice pellets blew between the morning rush hour traffic. Friday afternoon a picture was posted by Williamson Co. Sheriff Robert Chody of road conditions near the intersection of Hwy 95 and Hwy29 north of Taylor.

Part of the roadway was covered in white ice pellets. 

Most of the accumulation in Austin neighborhoods, that got hit, was on roof tops, or on top of parked cars. There was enough for a quick slush ball fight outside of the FOX 7 studio.

A few yards did get a dusting.

At one southwest Austin home a few broad left plants caught the icy mix like a wide brim hat. It was an example of how Texas weather can turn on a dime, and why legislative consultant Ron Lewis was ready to share his umbrella as he walked out of the State Capitol Friday morning.

"It’s simple, Monday it will be 80 degrees, I mean it’s the weather is just you never know, that hardest job is the weather man in this state capitol reflection you’d think it would be a legislator but it’s really the weather man,” said Lewis.



Another cold blast creeps into Central Texas
