Blue Hole Regional Park swimming area closed due to low water levels

The popular swimming area at Blue Hole Regional Park is closed for at least two weeks due to low water levels. (City of Wimberley Parks and Recreation Department)
WIMBERLEY, Texas - The popular Blue Hole Regional Park swimming area will be closed for at least two weeks because of the ongoing drought.
Officials say while E. coli levels have remained in the normal range, low water levels make have made swimming unsafe.
The swimming area closed August 21 at 6 p.m.
Cypress Creek at Blue Hole is currently approximately 2 feet below normal.
Officials say conditions will be reviewed again in two weeks to see if the swimming area needs to stay closed longer.
If you have passes to swim, officials say you will receive a full refund.
The park’s other recreational amenities will remain open and free such as the regional hike and bike trails, picnic areas, playscapes, and sport courts.
BBQ grills are closed due to the current burn ban.
If you have any questions or concerns, email