Teacher killed in attack on Swedish school; attacker shot

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — A masked man attacked a school in southern Sweden on Thursday before being shot by police. Health authorities said one teacher was killed and two students seriously wounded in the attack.

Students fled Thursday morning from the Kronan school in Trollhattan, near Goteborg, Sweden's second-largest city. In a statement, police in Trollhattan said the attack took place in the school's cafe area.

Police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg told The Associated Press the attacker was in his 20s and carried more than one weapon, including "at least one knife-like object." Fuxborg said police fired two shots, one of which hit the attacker.

Health authorities in Trollhattan said one teacher died after being wounded in the attack and two students, aged 11 and 15, were seriously wounded with cuts. They said the attacker was also in serious condition.

The school has 400 students, ranging from pre-school to high school. Fuxborg could not say whether the man had any connection with the school.

Swedish media say the school held a meeting Thursday morning to discuss teachers' worries that the school was too open, with a cafe for adults that meant the school could not control who comes in.

The Dagens Nyheter newspaper said students must go through the cafe to reach the school's own cafeteria and other parts of the building.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven cancelled his schedule and was heading to Trollhattan.