Texas House has new rules in place for session

The first big floor debate in the Texas House happened on Thursday afternoon. It wasn't about school choice or funding for border security, but the outcome will have an impact on both. 

The floor debate was about setting rules for the session in the State House. Rules for debates as well as who gets committee leadership positions. 

Setting rules for session in the Texas House

The backstory:

On Thursday, as the chamber debated rules for the 89th regular session.

Arlington republican Tony Tinderholt made a motion to delay the vote for a day. He questioned who would benefit from new sections drafted by Corpus Christi Republican Todd Hunter.

"Mr. Chairman, do you think its fair to members and our Constituents to cram a rules package through with what appears to be of Democrats, when I read it, it appears they get more power," asked Rep. Tinderholt.

Hunter responded by saying he didn’t think they were cramming anything. 

What is House Resolution 4?

The backstory:

House Resolution 4 contains more than 200 pages, but according to Hunter, only 19% is filled with new language. 

A key part is the requirement that the GOP House Caucus demanded. Committee Chairs are to be members from the majority party in the House, currently Republican. But the rules state that Vice Chairs are to be members of the minority party, currently Democrats. HR 4 also requires the two leadership positions to work together.

HR 4 would eliminate six House committees:

  • Business and Industry
  • County Affairs
  • Defense and Veteran's Affairs
  • Juvenile Justice
  • Resolution Calendar
  • Urban Affairs

In the end, several subcommittees were created. Hunter believes that will help more bills get a hearing. The rules eventually won adoption: 116 Ayes, 23 Nos, 1 NV, and 10 absences.

After the vote, House Democrats were optimistic their voices would be heard this session.

What they're saying:

"What's wrong with that? It doesn't mean that you can stop the chair of the committee. It's really an encouragement when we elect those 150 people to represent the state of Texas. So our role is let's get something done," said Rep. Hunter.

Houston Democrat Harold Dutton was not convinced bi-partisanship would be encouraged.

"This is Texas. This is not Washington, D.C. and yet I, I wonder if anybody gave any consideration to the fact that we are moving in the direction of being just like Washington, D.C.," said Rep. Dutton. 

"But I took those topics and jurisdiction and placed them in two newly created committees. One is a committee called Delivery of Government Efficiency. And the other is intergovernmental affairs," said Hunter.

"And so, as Democrats, we proudly say today that we have a seat at the table to advocate for true public education and public education funding. We have a seat at the table to advocate that no longer can it be acceptable to have the highest rate of uninsured children in the nation. We have a seat at the table to make sure that, you know, we will advocate to no longer be the worst state for maternal mortality and morbidity. And it is time to have honest conversations and dialogs around the reproductive rights of women and health care for women across the state of Texas," said Rep. Ann Johnson (D) Houston.

What's next:

The committee appointment process by Speaker Dustin Burrows is now underway. 

The full House returns to work on Monday.

The Source: Information from the Texas legislative session

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